PT. Multi Sarana Gitatama offers various length, thickness, width and height of high quality and excellent craftmanship steel sheet piles. The steel sheet piles come in U-Type and Box-Type sections.
The list of steel sheet piles are not exhaustive. Please contact us for more information.

1.  U-Type Section

Steel Sheet U

Product Code Dimensions Unit Weight Moment of Inertia Section Modulus
W H t Per Pile Per Wall Width Per Pile Per Wall Width Per Pile Per Wall Width
mm mm mm kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm2 cm3 cm2/m
KWSP-II 400 100 10.5 48.0 120 1,240 8,740 152 874
KWSP-III 400 125 13.0 60.0 150 2,220 16,800 223 1,340
KWSP-IIIA 400 150 13.1 58.4 146 2,790 22,800 250 1,520
KWSP-IV 400 175 15.5 76.1 190 4,670 36,600 362 2,270

2.  Box-Type Section

Steel Sheet Box-Type Section

Product Code Section Number Dimension Section Area Moment of Inertia Section Area
mm mm cm2 cm4 cm3
KBSP-II KWSP-II KWSP-II 400 244 122.4 10,600 869
KBSP-III KWSP-III KWSP-III 400 297 152.8 19,600 1,320
KBSP-IIIA KWSP-IIIA KWSP-IIIA 400 340 148.8 24,300 1,430
KBSP-IIIA KWSP-IIIA KWSP-IIIA 400 340 148.8 24,300 1,430
KBSP-IV KWSP-IV KWSP-IV 400 387 194.0 41,600 2,150